Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Recipe for Success: Integrating Technology into a Leadership Platform

What types of information should be shared with staff in order to bring them up to date?

2015 is a year full of technology, such as stem-cell surgery and nanobots (Govette, 2015). There are also additional meaningful use requirements from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, along with the start of penalties for noncompliance (Murphy, 2010). In order to ensure that the knowledge of staff members aligns with the times, several things should be conveyed. First, staff should be aware of what meaningful use is, and what step the organization has attested to. Second, staff should understand the benefits of the electronic health record they are using- benefits such as data mining, practice based evidence, and data analytic properties. Third, there should be constant feedback on the data analytics for the specific department that they work in, along with departmental goals and incentives.

When integrating technology into the workplace, along with updating staff, it is important to keep a positive attitude. It has been shown that positive attitudes from leadership is contagious (Cheng, Yen, & Chen, 2012), and can greatly affect the success of both the implantation process, and the success of the organization as a whole (Huryk, 2010). Nurse administrators should mirror what they would like out of there employees, and should maintain a front lead when it comes to informatics.

How can technology be woven into staff education?

We are beyond the times where updates from hospital leadership means boring e-mails or wordy presentations. There are so many other technologies that can be used to capture the attention of the audience, and possibly even have them enjoy the process. YouTube videos and self-created cartoons can prove to be engaging, along with info-graphics. Staff can also be encouraged to explore websites, and those in administration can post creative blogs in order to develop relationships with hospital personnel. With the assimilation of technology into education, learning can be transformed into a 24 hour opportunity. Off shift employees can learn when it is convenient for them, and can feel actively engaged with hospital leaders.

Be an effective, engaging leader. Take your staff to the next level, by guiding them into the world of healthcare technology. It is a fast-paced environment that requires a conscious effort to stay on top, with benefits that extend to all who are involved. Technology improves workflow, and allows for a level of patient care quality that has never been experienced before. Today, clinicians are not only delivering care, but are re-inventing the entire care model. Be a part of that new creation as it is being developed, and enjoy the journey alongside your entire organization.


Chang, Y., Yen, C., & Chen, L. (2012). Transformational leadership and job involvement: The moderation of emotional contagion. Military Psychology, 24(4), 382-396.

Govette, J. (2015). 10 biggest innovations in health care technology in 2015. Retrieved from

Huryk, L. (2010). Factors influencing nurse's attitudes towards healthcare information technology. Journal of Nursing Management, 18, 606-612.

Murphy, J. (2010). The journey to meaningful use of electronic health records. Nursing Economic$, 28(4), 283-286.

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